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“I’ve always been enthralled by the mysterious workings of the Universe. Looking out at the multitude of stars in the vast expanse of the night sky enkindles wonder and prompts the bewildering realisation that there are forces at work that extend far beyond the limits of my understanding. In those moments, I find myself attempting to draw parallels between the physical world outside and human complexities deep within because, very much like the incomprehensible nature of space, the heart often travels to places the mind cannot fathom.”

This series of illustrations draws from a place deep within, using imagery inspired by the ‘experiences of the Universe’ to articulate and recount narratives that are universally personal, be it tragic or delightful. As we cautiously navigate this journey of self-discovery, we learn to come to terms with the sobering fact that the search for the edge of the Universe is, more often than not, an exercise in profound futility; but we try anyway.